Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wanting to be a womens college basketball player?

I know i am just 14 but I hear about these girls who get letters from colleges when they are just in 8th grade. I have always wanted to play womenscollegebasketball for an average team (not like conn. or tennessee) But I just started playing last year and averaged 8 points a game and 4 rebounds. Its just I hear about these girls who start playing when they are 5. Is it possible to have a chance when you start playing when other girls are getting letters from colleges?

Wanting to be a womenscollegebasketball player?nba mock drafts

work hard. have discipline. be dedicated. practice every day.


Wanting to be a womenscollegebasketball player?nba street ,nba teams

heyy, im 14 year old girl too, i average about 21 a game im on 4 teams, and a national aau team,and for me, its all year round. im ranked 13th in the US. its because all i do is practice everyday. u can start now though,just dedicate yourself to it. Report It

Yes but there is somthing u must know and thats u must puy 110% into basketball now. Take Candice Parker she knew she wanted to play ball so she was always out there working always. You must be the first one to practice and the last one out. These 8th graders are born with talent but they worked. I dont know how good u r but u NEED to want it more then everyone else. You must eat driknk and sleep basketball. All these letters are not going to come over night. Dont feel bad if nothing comes till 11th or 12th grade but thats when the scouts kick it into gear. Work hard, show you will do anything to play, work with your coaches and they will help you. Good luck.
If you plan on working your tail off for the next 4 years.... then yea. I would suggest getting a trainer.

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