Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do college basketball teams get everyone at the game to wear the same shirt?

It's really neat seeing this massive sea of whatever color the home team is or decides to use, but how in the world do they do it?

How docollegebasketball teams get everyone at the game to wear the same shirt?nba basketball

Pep rallies, emails, some venues have shirts, school spirit, etc. Its usually a tradition to support your team by sporting their colors just like at NBA games some fans wear the jerseys.

How docollegebasketball teams get everyone at the game to wear the same shirt?college basketball ,nba teams

well i go to penn state...and usally people jus tknow to wear a penn state shirt or jersey...but they have emails going around and peoiple jsut tlak.....for example people walk around campus and shout white day tmrw....or all blue
I went to a St. Mary's Gonzaga basketball game recently. Season ticket holders got an email.. Students probably get it by word of mouth on the campus.
School Pride and Pep Rallys the night before.
yah what everybody else said
They do not get everyone to where the same color of shirt. I have been to some games and have seen the games on the television set and they do not all where the same color of shirts as the school. Most people do though because it shows they have support for there schools team.
flyers and spreading the word around....really isnt that tough
ussually people wear the team color or logo when they go to that certain game.
I go to a major university and we only did this one time but I had no idea it was going to happen. when we got there there were shirts on the back of every seat and people handing them out if yours was gone then the announcer and video screen came on and asked everyone to wear them and support the team, blah blah. It looked really cool on tv.
they just pass the word around and if they have school spirrit they do it
I have seen it on tv where thecollegelays out white t-shirts on the seats and you are suppose to wear them that night at the game

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